Focus Area

Computer Science & STEM

Resources, professional learning, and support for fostering robust computer science and STEM programs and knowledgeable educators.

Coding the Future: CS & STEM in K-12

Computer science and STEM education are vital for K-12 students in our tech-driven world. These fields foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity while providing essential skills for future careers. They go beyond coding and math, offering a foundation in complex systems, data analysis, and logical reasoning – skills valuable across all disciplines.

Early exposure to CS and STEM helps bridge the digital divide, giving all students access to technological literacy regardless of background. This not only equips them to navigate our digital landscape but also opens doors to a wide range of high-demand career paths. By introducing these concepts early, we’re preparing students to shape the future they’ll inherit.

At the Learning Technology Center (LTC), we’re committed to supporting educators in bringing CS and STEM to their classrooms. We leverage our statewide network of CS educators to make integrating these subjects both empowering and standards-compliant for all educators and school districts. Our team provides resources, training, and practical support to help teachers feel confident in incorporating CS and STEM into their curriculum. Whether you’re looking to start a coding club, integrate computational thinking into existing lessons, or explore advanced topics in computer science, the LTC is here to guide you every step of the way.

Professional Learning District Program


Professional learning programs for current and future computer science educators through the LTC’s Partnership.

Professional Learning Workshops & Cohorts


Professional learning programs for current and future computer science educators through the LTC’s Partnership.


Computer Science Resource Database

Vetted computer science resources geared toward a variety of grade levels, content areas, and use cases.

Professional Learning

CS PD Week


The LTC’s CS PD Week is a 5-day PD opportunity for new and experience computer science educators and administrators.

Professional Learning

Custom PD for Districts and Schools


Customized edtech professional learning to meet the needs of districts and schools.


Esport Directory

A database of K12 esport teams in Illinois.

Professional Learning

IETC Conference


The Illinois Education and Technology Conference, held annually in Springfield, brings together educators and tech experts to explore innovative teaching methods and leverage technology for enhanced learning statewide.


ILTPP Purchasing Cooperative


Save money and time through ILTPP cooperative purchasing contracts.


Legal Reference Guide & Database

An introduction to the statutes, regulations, and rules that may apply to the use of technology in a school district.

Professional Learning

Regional Workshops and Events


Over 650 regional events and conferences on educational technology topics.

Professional Learning



Register for our regular webinar series and view recordings.

Curriculum & Lesson Plans

CMU CS Academy

CMU CS Academy is an online, graphics-based computer science curriculum taught in Python provided by Carnegie Mellon University for FREE.

Resource Collections

Amazon Future Engineer

Amazon Future Engineer is a comprehensive childhood-to-career program aimed at increasing access to computer science education for students from underserved and underrepresented communities.

Curriculum & Lesson Plans

Scratch Encore

Scratch-based CS instructional materials for upper elementary students through a process that attends to practical barriers to equity.

Resource Collections

Pencil Code

Learn professional programming languages using an editor that lets you work in either blocks or text. Create art, music, games, and stories. Or invent a program that will change the world.

Resource Collections


aiEDU is a non-profit that creates equitable learning experiences that build foundational AI literacy. Whether you have nine weeks or just five minutes, we have an engaging, free curriculum that’s easy to use.

Resource Collections


The initiative is developing (1) national guidelines for AI education for K-12, (2) an online, curated resource Directory to facilitate AI instruction, and (3) a community of practitioners, researchers, resource and tool developers focused on the AI for K-12 audience. Check out the following information to learn about this initiative.

Resource Collections

Free K–12 cybersecurity lessons and resources

Resource Collections


Haiku is a role play- game that teachers students skills needed for cybersecurity. Our platform has pre-designed “missions” that teach things like Linux, Intro. to Cybersecurity and Intro. to Networking. Our platform tool, Forge, allows you to build drag and drop learning pathways. Our platform takes your pathway and creates and entire story, roles and mission around your objectives. We also provide mission development as a service to customers.

Resource Collections

Common Sense Media

Free K–12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum and other resources to support digital literacy and cybersecurity

Curriculum & Lesson Plans

MakeCode Arcade

Web-based block or JavaScript coding platform to design retro-style games

Curriculum & Lesson Plans

MakeCode for Circuit Playground Express

Web-based block or JavaScript coding platform for Circuit Playground microprocessor

Curriculum & Lesson Plans

MakeCode for micro:bit

Web-based block or JavaScript coding platform for micro:bit microprocessor


Esports Program Checklist

Empower Your New Esports Team at your School with Our Comprehensive Checklist! Unveil the potential of your budding esports squad using this all-inclusive checklist. From recruitment and practice schedules to team branding, our checklist ensures you cover all the bases for a successful and thrilling esports journey in your school.

Resource Collections

STEM Grants & Scholarships

Compiled by the LTC staff, this resource includes a collection of state and national grants and scholarships specifically geared toward support K-12 STEM programs.

Best Practices Guidance

The Basics of 3D Printing (Infographic)

What does it take to bring 3D printing to your classroom? This infographic will show you where to start, beginning with 3D printing process basics, workspace strategies, and example curriculum integration activities.

Resource Collections

3D Printing Resources

Technology Integration is fundamental for an effective digital learning experience, here’s an Infographic with 8 digital skills every teacher needs to know along side with the best programs to support them!


Illinois Computer Literacy Guidelines Planning Document

This document is an adaptation of ISBE’s Computer Literacy guidelines, with added columns for resources and notes. It includes breakouts by grade band (K-1, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12).


IL CS Mastery Worksheet

This document is similar to the Alignment Worksheet, but can be used at the classroom level to align the standards to individual lessons or units of instruction. It includes a customizable 3-level scale to show a progression of standard mastery across the unit or course.

CS & STEM Networking Meeting

Nov 7, 2024

Calling all K-12 computer science and STEM educators! Join your peers from across the state each month for an informative, engagement-rich networking meeting centered on topics that matter most to you.

Sarah Phelps
Sarah Phelps
Program Manager, Computer Science and STEM, Learning Technology Center

Illinois Education and Technology Conference 2024 (IETC)

Nov 13, 2024

Learn, collaborate, and connect with fellow edtech enthusiasts and leaders during a multi-day professional learning experience ideal for collaborating one-on-one with peers and forging meaningful connections.

Tim McIlvain
Tim McIlvain
Executive Director, Learning Technology Center

Integrating Computer Literacy and Computer Science in the Classroom

Nov 19, 2024

Whether you teach math, science, language arts, or any other subject, computer literacy and computer science are becoming increasingly relevant to your students’ success.

Emily Flach
Emily Flach
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | Southern Region, Learning Technology Center
Sarah Phelps
Sarah Phelps
Program Manager, Computer Science and STEM, Learning Technology Center

CS & STEM Networking Meeting

Dec 9, 2024

Calling all K-12 computer science and STEM educators! Join your peers from across the state each month for an informative, engagement-rich networking meeting centered on topics that matter most to you.

Sarah Phelps
Sarah Phelps
Program Manager, Computer Science and STEM, Learning Technology Center

Bring 3D Printing into your Classrooms

Dec 16, 2024

Whether you’re brand new to 3D printing or you have one that’s not being used to its full potential, this workshop will give you the foundation you need. We’ll begin at square one of the 3D printing process and go from ideation to finished print, covering everything in between. You’ll then learn how 3D printers work, how to create and prepare models for printing, how to operate your printer and optimize its settings, and how to troubleshoot your printer when issues arise.

Ben Sondgeroth
Ben Sondgeroth
Lead Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | Northern Illinois, Learning Technology Center

Coding with Ozobots: A Hands-On Workshop for Educators

Jan 17, 2025

In this hands-on workshop, educators will learn the basics of Ozobots, including how they work and how to program them. K-12 students can code Evo two ways: screen-free with Color Code markers and online with Ozobot Blockly visual programming or Python. You’ll explore how Ozobots can be used to teach coding concepts like sequencing, loops, and conditionals, and how to integrate them into your curriculum.

Emily Flach
Emily Flach
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | Southern Region, Learning Technology Center
Nathan Hack
Nathan Hack
Account Executive, Ozobot

The Makerspace Starter Kit

Feb 21, 2025

This workshop will provide you a structured protocol for planning, designing, and fully stocking your makerspace to best meet the needs of YOUR students at YOUR school. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, we’ll share the questions you need to be asking and the research you’ll want to complete in order to tailor the space to your needs.

Emily Flach
Emily Flach
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | Southern Region, Learning Technology Center
Sarah Phelps
Sarah Phelps
Program Manager, Computer Science and STEM, Learning Technology Center
3D printing STEM

LTC Announces Inaugural Illinois State Fair Butter Cow 3D Printing Contest Winner

The Learning Technology Center is proud to announce the winner of its first 3D printing contest. Learn about the winning student and how you can grab the miniature butter cow he designed as a souvenir at the 2024 Illinois State Fair.


9 Teaching Resources for Illuminating the 2024 Eclipse

The upcoming eclipse will be an unforgettable experience. Transform it into a learning opportunity and spark a lasting STEM passion with these resource curated by the LTC team.

One-to-One Podcast

AI & Digital Citizenship with Mike Ribble

This month, we’re welcoming Dr. Mike Ribble to discuss the role of digital citizenship and digital literacy as we all come to grips with artificial intelligence, both in society and in the classroom.

Computer Science Professional Learning Regional Partnership

Through our partnership, Illinois educators can obtain high-quality CS professional development and curricular resources – often for little-to-no cost. You can also develop the expertise needed make CS learning accessible at any grade level using their ever-growing library of projects and teaching tools.

More than two million teachers have brought CS learning to their classroom through Learn more about how can help you and your district grow CS teaching capacity starting today.