Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC)
A free tool for managing vendor agreements
The Illinois Student Privacy Alliance (ISPA) is a free consortium that allows school districts to access management tools and resources for data privacy agreements. All Illinois school districts are invited to join ISPA. When used in conjunction with clear policies and procedures, ISPA allows districts to comply with Illinois’ new Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA).
Information & Resources
The Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC) is a national organization with state affiliates that work together to address growing student data privacy concerns. The Illinois affiliate, Illinois Student Privacy Alliance (ISPA), is managed by the LTC and provides free membership to all K12 Illinois school districts.
The free membership to SDPC/ISPA includes:
- Access to tools to manage and share data privacy agreements;
- A searchable database of applications and vendors who have signed the statewide agreement with at least one school or district;
- Ability to link or embed the list of district-approved vendors and agreements on the district website (Example); and
- Membership into the LTC’s online data privacy community where schools and districts discuss privacy issues.
About the NDPA
The National Data Privacy Agreement (NDPA) was developed by the Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC) in partnership with the 28 state alliances. After two years of extensive review and comments from schools, districts, state organizations, marketplace providers and their legal representatives, SDPC published the NDPA in September 2020.
Since then, the Learning Technology Center has encouraged districts to adopt the NDPA with the Illinois Exhibit to help streamline the educational application contracting process and meet SOPPA compliance.
Getting Started with SDPC
- Getting Started with SOPPA – PDF
- Using ISPA to Comply with SOPPA (Flowchart)
- Managing Agreements with ISPA (Flowchart)
The National Data Privacy Agreement
- Review the DPA template – IL-NDPAv1.0a
- Checklist for using the IL-NDPA – Originating or Subscribing
- Sample Communications when using IL-NDPA
- Using the ISPA/SDPC Database YouTube Playlist (How-To)
- All Things SOPPA YouTube Playlist (Weekly Recordings)
- All Things SOPPA Slide Deck
- Recording SOPPA for Teachers: How To Be A Partner In Protecting Student Data
- Slide Deck SOPPA for Teachers: How To Be A Partner In Protecting Student Data
Additional Resources
The Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC) is a national organization with state affiliates that work together to address growing student data privacy concerns. The Illinois affiliate, Illinois Student Privacy Alliance (ISPA), is managed by the LTC and provides free membership to all K12 Illinois school districts.
The free membership to SDPC/ISPA includes:
- Access to tools to manage and share data privacy agreements;
- A searchable database of applications and vendors who have signed the statewide agreement with at least one school or district;
- Ability to link or embed the list of district-approved vendors and agreements on the district website (Example); and
- Membership into the LTC’s online data privacy community where schools and districts discuss privacy issues.
About the NDPA
The National Data Privacy Agreement (NDPA) was developed by the Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC) in partnership with the 28 state alliances. After two years of extensive review and comments from schools, districts, state organizations, marketplace providers and their legal representatives, SDPC published the NDPA in September 2020.
Since then, the Learning Technology Center has encouraged districts to adopt the NDPA with the Illinois Exhibit to help streamline the educational application contracting process and meet SOPPA compliance.
Getting Started with SDPC
- Getting Started with SOPPA – PDF
- Using ISPA to Comply with SOPPA (Flowchart)
- Managing Agreements with ISPA (Flowchart)
The National Data Privacy Agreement
- Review the DPA template – IL-NDPAv1.0a
- Checklist for using the IL-NDPA – Originating or Subscribing
- Sample Communications when using IL-NDPA
- Using the ISPA/SDPC Database YouTube Playlist (How-To)
- All Things SOPPA YouTube Playlist (Weekly Recordings)
- All Things SOPPA Slide Deck
- Recording SOPPA for Teachers: How To Be A Partner In Protecting Student Data
- Slide Deck SOPPA for Teachers: How To Be A Partner In Protecting Student Data
Additional Resources

TEC Add-On Service
We’ve partnered with The Education Cooperative (TEC) to offer Illinois schools streamlined access to expert support, vendor agreements, and legal guidance through TEC’s well-established network and services.