Professional Learning

Custom PD for Districts and Schools

The State Leader in EdTech Professional Learning

A significant part of the LTC’s mission is to provide forward-thinking, impactful, technology-related professional learning to all Illinois school districts, schools, educators, and school personnel. Our regional services teams and subject matter experts provided 750+ professional learning events to 24,000 participants during the 2020-21 school year. All of our professional learning events are customizable to meet the unique needs of the target audience, and we frequently work with whole counties, district, school, and school-level teams.

We are committed to providing the highest quality professional learning experiences possible. We utilize knowledgeable presenters and facilitators with extensive and diverse EdTech expertise. Presenters range from our own highly-trained and experienced LTC staff members to local and national practicing educators and experts. And since the LTC is an Illinois State Board of Education program, our professional learning programs are free or low cost to Illinois school districts.

Common Types of Professional Learning Experiences:

  • In-Person and Virtual Workshop
  • In-Person and Virtual Networking Events
  • Sessions at State Conferences
  • Summits and Conferences
  • Online Courses and Microcredentials
  • Webinars
  • Year-Long Professional Learning Series and Capacity Building Programs
  • Informational Presentations (Board Meetings, Parent Nights, etc.)
  • Customized Professional Learning Experiences

Interested in Scheduling PD?

Contact our Regional EdTech Coordinators to schedule onsite or regional professional learning opportunities.

Ben Sondgeroth

Lead Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | Northern Illinois
Learning Technology Center

Lisa Schwartz

Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | West Central Region
Learning Technology Center

Eric Santos

Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | Chicagoland
Learning Technology Center

Matt Sherrill

Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | East Central Region
Learning Technology Center