
Resources created by the LTC that address essential and relevant K-12 education and technology topics.

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Legislative Brief: Student Data Privacy Laws to Know

Data PrivacyDigital LeadershipGuidance

Under state and federal law, Illinois schools are legally required to keep student data secure and safe. 

This legislative brief provides a summary of several relevant privacy laws, including how they may impact school operations.

Laws Effecting Technology Use in Schools

Digital LeadershipGuidanceHandout/Worksheet

Updated annually, this free guide provides an introduction to the statutes, regulations, and rules that may apply to the use of technology in primary and secondary school districts in Illinois.

LTC Community Orientation Videos

Classroom IntegrationDigital LeadershipVideo

Video tutorials on navigating the LTC Community, the LTC’s free professional learning community.

One-to-One Podcast

Classroom IntegrationConnectivity and Digital EquityDigital LeadershipDigital Literacy & CitizenshipOnline and Blended LearningPodcast

Conversations from the heart of education and technology with Brian and Matt.

District Website Checklist

CybersecurityData PrivacyDigital LeadershipHandout/WorksheetNetwork & Systems ManagementTechnology Planning, Procurement, and Evaluation

The District Website Checklist is a component of the more extensive Legal Reference Guide published by the Learning Technology Center and is designed to assist school districts in navigating the landscape of legal obligations.



Strengthen your district’s cybersecurity posture with this free guide for technology leaders, which includes step-by-step instructions on how to implement auditing, professional development, incident response and disaster recovery planning, and much more.

Save Money with Cooperative Purchasing

ReportTechnology Planning, Procurement, and Evaluation

What is cooperative purchasing? How can it help your district select trusted tech vendors while saving time, effort, and money? This white paper offers answers + an intro to Illinois’ cooperative purchasing program, ILTPP.

Esports Program Checklist

Classroom IntegrationComputer Science & STEMHandout/Worksheet

Empower Your New Esports Team at your School with Our Comprehensive Checklist! Unveil the potential of your budding esports squad using this all-inclusive checklist. From recruitment and practice schedules to team branding, our checklist ensures

3D Printing Resources

Classroom IntegrationComputer Science & STEMOnline and Blended LearningResource CollectionsTechnology Planning, Procurement, and Evaluation

Technology Integration is fundamental for an effective digital learning experience, here’s an Infographic with 8 digital skills every teacher needs to know along side with the best programs to support them!

Instructional Technology Coaching to Enhance Professional Practice

Digital LeadershipReport

Instructional Technology Coaching to Enhance Professional Practice details the rationale and need for instructional technology coaches in school districts across Illinois. This report highlights the role of an instructional technology coach and the Learning Technology

Illinois Computer Literacy Guidelines Planning Document

Computer Science & STEMGuidance

This document is an adaptation of ISBE’s Computer Literacy guidelines, with added columns for resources and notes. It includes breakouts by grade band (K-1, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12).

IL CS Mastery Worksheet

Computer Science & STEMStandards

This document is similar to the Alignment Worksheet, but can be used at the classroom level to align the standards to individual lessons or units of instruction. It includes a customizable 3-level scale to show

IL CS Alignment Worksheet

Computer Science & STEMStandards

This document takes the Integrated View of all CS Standards and splits them out by grade band (K-1, 3-5, and 6-8). It provides additional columns to allow districts to self-assess their CS program for alignment

Integrated View of CS Standards

Computer Science & STEMStandards

This document combines the new IL CS Standards into a single view to make it easy to see how they are organized and follow their progression across grade levels. There is a K-12 view, as

Coding for Littles Poster Series

Computer Science & STEM

Let’s go on a journey to explore coding terms that you may already know by another name in this poster series. Download this one-of-a-kind resource for K-2 educators to integrate CS language into activities you

Getting Started with the K 8 Computer Science Standards

Computer Science & STEMVideo

Technology Documentation Guide

GuidanceNetwork & Systems ManagementTechnology Planning, Procurement, and Evaluation

Using Google Drive and Docs, this Technology Documentation Guide can help districts more effectively organize critical technology-related documents in a single digital repository.

Drones in the Classroom – Q&A for Curricular Integration and Funding

Classroom IntegrationComputer Science & STEMGuidance

Why should drones be part of your school’s curriculum? What classes can drones be used in? Find answers to these questions and more (including funding and safety recommendations) in this handy guide produced by the

Sample Communications when using IL-NDPA

Data PrivacyGuidance

LTC resource for communicating with vendors about SOPPA and the IL-NDPA.

Checklist for using the IL-NDPA – Originating or Subscribing

Data PrivacyTools and Apps

This checklist gives tips and suggestions on the best ways of using the IL-NDPA in combination with the Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC) database.

Illinois-National Data Privacy Agreement v1.0a (IL-NDPA)

Data PrivacyReport

The IL-NDPA is a data privacy agreement that has been created at a national level by the Student Data Privacy Consortium and customized at a State of Illinois level by the Illinois Council of School

Managing Agreements with ISPA

Data PrivacyGuidance

LTC Resource sharing a workflow for the management of data privacy agreements for SOPPA.

Using ISPA to Comply with SOPPA

Data PrivacyGuidance

LTC Resource sharing a workflow for managing SOPPA in your District.

Getting Started with SOPPA

Data PrivacyGuidance

LTC Resource sharing information about getting started with SOPPA.

National Data Privacy Agreement + Illinois Exhibit

Data PrivacyReport

The National Data Privacy Agreement (NDPA) streamlines application contracting and sets common expectations between schools/districts and marketplace providers. The LTC created an Illinois-specific exhibit that modifies the NDPA for use in Illinois, making it compliant

Resources for Careers in EdTech

Digital LeadershipResource Collections

This resource delivers concise information on specific certifications and endorsements, guiding individuals in their pursuit of professional development.

Reasonable Security Practices


The Learning Technology Center recommends 48 security best practices, aligned with CIS Controls and vetted by Illinois school technology leaders, to comply with the Student Online Personal Protection Act.

Legislative Brief: Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA)

Data PrivacyGuidance

Effective July 1, 2021, school districts will be required by the Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) to provide additional guarantees that student data is protected when collected by educational technology companies, and that data