Call for Proposals
Urbana, IL | June 24 & 25, 2025
Call for Proposals
Share your knowledge and experience with your peers
Technology leaders, IT support staff, administrators, and other individuals with IT experience in an educational environment are encouraged to submit a session proposal for SummIT . Proposals will be evaluated based upon the criteria below.
Proposal submission has been extended to March 7, 2025.

Format and General Information
Learning Objectives
To help bring the content to life and make it actionable for attendees, please clearly define how your session will support attendees in implementing and applying the knowledge learned during your session.
In your proposal submission, please finish the following sentence: “By attending this session, attendees will be able to….”
Session Title
10 Word Maximum.
Session Formats
Presentation (50 Minutes)
Demo / Hands-On Activity (50 Minutes)
Panel Discussion (50 Minutes)
Target Audiences
CTO / Technology Leaders
Network Engineers & IT Support Staff
District and Building Administrators
Session Description
350 Word Maximum
Selected presenters will receive complementary attendance at this year’s event.
Session Topics
Share your strategies, resources, and experiences with these session subjects
Accessibility (Websites, videos, digital documents)
Microsoft (Licensing, O365, EndPoint Management, InTune, etc.)
AR/VR (Aero, CoSpaces, Oculus, Vive, Immersive, etc.)
Network Management & Monitoring
Certifications (Google, Microsoft, Security+, Cisco, etc.)
Office 365 Administration
Classroom Management Systems (Blocksi, GoGuardian, LightSpeed, LanSchool Air, etc.)
Physical Security (Cameras, Doors, Genetec, etc.)
Cloud Hosting (AWS) Printing (Papercut, Copiers, Manged Services, etc.)
Connectivity (ICN, Hotspots, etc.)
Remote Access (RDP, Teamviewer, ISL Online, Chrome Remote Desktop, etc.)
Crisis Apps Servers (Group Policy, Active Directory, Licensing, etc.)
Cybersecurity (Backups, Firewalls, Incident Response, Tabletop Exercises etc.)
Streaming (YouTube, Facebook, NFHS Network)
Data Management (SOPPA, scripting, etc.)
Switches (HP, Cisco, Command Line/GUI, etc.)
Tech Ticket Platforms (Spiceworks, Freshdesk, IncidentIQ, etc.)
Device Management (Google Workspace, Apple, JAMF, Mosyle, InTune, etc.)
Technology Planning / Strategic Planning
Email (SPF, DKIM, DMARC, Gaggle, Office 365, Bark, GoGuardian Beacon, etc.)
User Management
Esports (Starting a Team, Equipment, Coaching, etc.)
Virtual Desktops (Parallels, AWS Workspaces, etc.)
Funding & Budgeting (E-Rate, etc.)
Virtualization (VMWare, HyperV, Scale, etc.)
Google (Licensing, Investigation Tools, User Management, etc.)
Website Hosting (WordPress, Google Sites, SchoolBlocks, etc.)
Google Admin Console Wireless (Ruckus, Extreme Networks, Meraki, etc.)
Instructional Technology for Students
Information Systems
Share your Knowledge with Peers
Proposal submission has been extended through March 7, 2025