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Media Literacy in the Age of Influencers, AI, and TikTok Trends.

September 14 (In-Person)
8:30 am - 10:00 am CT
Digital Citizenship
Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Library and Media Specialists, Teachers

Can your students spot fake news and bot accounts? Are they aware of how media influences their behavior? Do they understand how AI algorithms produce their social media experience?

Join this session to develop your own media and digital literacy awareness, explore resources and lesson materials, and prepare to teach students to safely access, analyze, and create digital media. This interactive session will center on experiencing learning content as students will, offering you a chance to dig deep and discover new ways to create digital literacy lessons rich with self-reflection, analysis, and discussion.

This workshop is geared towards grades 6-12, with an eye towards the new Media Literacy mandate in HB0234. Participants are encouraged to bring a Chromebook to this session.

Eric Santos
Eric Santos
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | Chicagoland, Learning Technology Center

Eric develops and leads professional learning programs, trainings, and resources related to curricular integration, digital access, and technology infrastructure in the Chicagoland region.