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MapHabit Overview– Using the MapHabit System to Create Customized Visual Schedules and Task Analysis to Map Out Your Day and Increase Independence Skills

November 3
9:30 am - 10:00 am CT
Room: B7
Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Instructional Leaders, Library and Media Specialists, Teachers, Technology Leaders/Support

MapHabit is an interactive scheduling and daily task application that can be downloaded on Apple or Android devises. MapHabit guides individuals and their caregivers to create visual maps with personalized photos, videos, text, and audio that can guide them throughout their day for effective and detailed task analysis. The maps can easily be modified, rearranged and you can remove steps as needed. You can schedule visual maps and add notifications for the individual and their support partner to reinforce skills and activities.
The MapHabit system adapts to how individuals learn, and their family, caregivers, direct support professionals, therapists, and others in the person’s circle of support can be on the same page on how to best support them.