LTC Announces Partnership with ISTE
The Learning Technology Center is proud to announce two new collaborations with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) – ISTE Affiliate and PD hours for Illinois educators.
Tim McIlvain is the Executive Director of the Learning Technology Center, a leading organization delivering education and technology services to all K-12 schools and districts in Illinois. In this role, he provides strategic leadership, expertise, and operational management for technology and digital learning initiatives.
Tim’s professional interest lies in developing industry and community partnerships, promoting student and educator voice, and advancing equitable opportunities for technology-rich student learning. Other areas of work include professional development, technology integration, data privacy, cybersecurity, STEM and computer science, digital literacy and citizenship, connectivity, and technology infrastructure and evaluation.
Tim is a frequent presenter on educational technology topics. He is a National Board Certified Teacher, Certified Educational Technology Leader (CETL), Project Management Professional, and Google Trainer. Before his role as Executive Director, Tim was a teacher, project manager, and web developer. He holds a Master of Information Science from Indiana University and a Master of Educational Administration and Leadership from the University of Illinois.
The Learning Technology Center is proud to announce two new collaborations with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) – ISTE Affiliate and PD hours for Illinois educators.
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