AA #1841 Growing a Culture for Effective Technology Coaching: The Principal-Coach Partnership

02 Jun 2022

Technology coaches help ensure high-quality, ongoing, job-embedded professional learning for educators, and a strong partnership between technology coaches and principals is critical to ensuring coaching success. The principal-coach partnership depends on a common, forward-thinking vision for technology and instruction; a culture of collaboration, innovation, capacity building, and empowerment; clear definitions, roles, and responsibilities; shared ownership and accountability for professional growth; and meaningful planning, policies, and implementation. This six-week online session will explore these topics and provide specific strategies to create and/or strengthen the technology coach/principal partnership, and ultimately, the coaching program. Three times during the course, participants will meet in a 60-minute synchronous video conference. Weekly, they will complete required reading(s); and post and respond to a weekly “slow chat Tweet” based on a guiding question. The course is designed to be a joint learning experience between the principal and technology coach(es), but it can be taken by the administrator or coach alone.