Library Media Specialist Statewide Networking Meeting

16 Jun 2022
Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Human-Centered Technology Specialist, Learning Technology Center

About the Network

In school settings, library media specialists often work independently—an experience that can be both empowering and isolating. Through this statewide virtual networking group,  K-12 librarians and library media staff can gather together to share experiences, discuss new relevant resources, and collaborate on innovative solutions to shared challenges.

These sessions are more than just meetings; they allow library media specialists to share their successes and strategies for engaging their student community. Monthly discussions often extend beyond traditional topics to embrace innovative approaches and diverse voices.

Join us to foster your own professional growth surrounded by peers that understand what it’s like to stand in your shoes!


Library Media Specialist Meetings

Library Media Specialist Networking Meeting

| Free

Join the LTC’s Holly Kelly for a monthly virtual networking meeting explicitly geared to the needs of today’s library media specialists.

Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Human-Centered Technology Specialist, Learning Technology Center

Library Media Specialist Networking Meeting

| Free

Join the LTC’s Holly Kelly for a monthly virtual networking meeting explicitly geared to the needs of today’s library media specialists.

Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Human-Centered Technology Specialist, Learning Technology Center

Library Media Specialist Networking Meeting

| Free

Join the LTC’s Holly Kelly for a monthly virtual networking meeting explicitly geared to the needs of today’s library media specialists.

Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Human-Centered Technology Specialist, Learning Technology Center

Library Media Specialist Networking Meeting

| Free

Join the LTC’s Holly Kelly for a monthly virtual networking meeting explicitly geared to the needs of today’s library media specialists.

Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Human-Centered Technology Specialist, Learning Technology Center

Library Media Specialist Networking Meeting

| Free

Join the LTC’s Holly Kelly for a monthly virtual networking meeting explicitly geared to the needs of today’s library media specialists.

Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Human-Centered Technology Specialist, Learning Technology Center

Library Media Specialist Networking Meeting

| Free

Join the LTC’s Holly Kelly for a monthly virtual networking meeting explicitly geared to the needs of today’s library media specialists.

Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Human-Centered Technology Specialist, Learning Technology Center
Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Human-Centered Technology Specialist, Learning Technology Center

Holly assists educators throughout the state in addressing digital responsibility, fostering positive online behaviors, and enhancing social-emotional skills among students.