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Engage with Play

November 3
12:40 pm - 1:30 pm CT
Room: B3
Digital Learning and Innovative Practices

Are you seeing unengaged, unmotivated, or apathetic students? Student engagement and motivation have a huge impact on the classroom. It affects not only learning but also the classroom atmosphere. Columbia University has researched the positive effects of video games on children. This presentation will use this research and various games to help keep students excited while learning. From creating review games to tech tools and existing board games, resources are abundant. Games increase soft skills including teamwork, problem-solving, persistence, dealing with failure, and more. We will learn about some web-based games for review, adapting current games for your needs, board games that are already content-specific, creating your own hands-on review games, and more! Be ready to discuss and share what YOU are playing in your classroom.

Allison Ferguson
Allison Ferguson
Educator & Trainer, Eureka High School