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Embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Classroom

November 3
12:40 pm - 1:30 pm CT
Room: B6
Digital Learning and Innovative Practices
Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Instructional Leaders, Library and Media Specialists, Teachers, Technology Leaders/Support

In this session, we will explore the question of how educators can effectively embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom and leverage its potential to enhance teaching and learning outcomes. AI technologies have the power to revolutionize education by providing personalized learning experiences, facilitating student engagement, and preparing learners for the demands of the 21st century. As educators, it is crucial for us to understand the opportunities and challenges presented by AI and develop strategies to harness its benefits.

By integrating AI into our classrooms, we can create a more personalized and inclusive learning environment that caters to individual student needs and preferences. AI-powered tools can assist in adapting curriculum materials, providing real-time feedback, and identifying learning gaps, thus allowing educators to tailor instruction more effectively.

Through interactive discussions and hands-on activities, participants will have the opportunity to explore AI tools and platforms firsthand, experiencing their potential impact on teaching and learning. We will provide practical strategies for integrating AI technologies into various instructional contexts, focusing on both low-tech and high-tech solutions to accommodate different school settings and resource levels.

By the end of this session, educators will leave with a deeper understanding of AI’s role in education and concrete ideas for incorporating AI into their teaching practices. Together, we will pave the way for a future-focused education system that prepares students to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Becky Lim
Becky Lim
Instructional Technology Coach, East Maine School District 63

Nicole Sandine
Nicole Sandine
Instructional Technology Coach, East Maine School District 63