LTC Announces Partnership with ISTE
The Learning Technology Center is proud to announce two new collaborations with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) – ISTE Affiliate and PD hours for Illinois educators.
The Learning Technology Center is committed to remaining open as we support Illinois school districts, staff, and students. First and foremost, this decision is based on the understanding of what school system leaders and staff are facing in their own community, including preparation for remote learning.
Most of our employees are transitioning to remote work, and the best way to communicate will remain email. You can also contact us at
Beginning Tuesday, March 17, the Learning Technology Center will begin transforming all face-to-face events to virtual meetings when possible. In the event that this is not possible, we will do our best to reschedule the event for a later date. Please check the event listing on the LTC website for details.
All resources and support related to remote learning, school closings, and LTC consulting are available on our E-Learning webpage.
Tim directs the Learning Technology Center, providing strategic leadership, expertise, and operational management for statewide technology and digital learning initiatives.