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AI 101 for Educators: A Beginner’s Guide to Future-Proofing Your Classroom

Mon. January 27, 2025 9:00 am - 3:00 pm CST

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AI 101 for Educators: A Beginner’s Guide to Future-Proofing Your Classroom

Mon. January 27, 2025 | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm CST

AI isn’t making our current classrooms obsolete. But if we harness this new tool for learning now, we can future-proof our classrooms and better prepare our students for many evolving learning paths ahead.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence in education with this workshop designed for practicing educators. From AI’s roots to today’s cutting-edge developments in generative AI, we’ll start by exploring a broad overview of AI’s history and introduce you to many fundamental AI concepts.

From there, we’ll explore where AI and education meet, including key AI literacy principles and potential application in a classroom environment. You’ll even gain some hands-on experience with current AI tools that can streamline lesson creation and other day-to-day teaching tasks.

Join us for an enlightening and engaging exploration of AI’s growing influence in education and the broader world.

Focus Area
Classroom Integration
Eastern Illinois
PD Hours


Eastern Illinois
PD Hours


ROE 39: Macon/Piatt
1690 Huston Dr
Decatur, Illinois 62526 2853 USA
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Matt Sherrill
Matt Sherrill
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | East Central Region, Learning Technology Center