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A Case for AI Literacy: Preparing Staff and Students

Thu. October 24, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CDT

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A Case for AI Literacy: Preparing Staff and Students

Thu. October 24, 2024 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CDT

As AI continues to shape the world around us, the need for AI literacy in education is more pressing than ever. During this virtual workshop, attendees will gain a clear understanding of the current state of AI, including its impact on education and why it’s crucial for both staff and students to be AI literate. Participants will leave equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to initiate meaningful conversations about AI with their staff and students.

This training is designed specifically for school administrators who are responsible for leading their schools into the future. No prior experience with AI is required, making this session accessible for all school leaders eager to prepare their communities for the challenges and opportunities ahead, as well as those already here.

Focus Area
Digital Leadership
Eastern Illinois
PD Hours


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Eastern Illinois
PD Hours


Matt Sherrill
Matt Sherrill
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | East Central Region, Learning Technology Center