Building Critical Thinking Skills with Technology

22 Nov 2022
Matt Jacobson
Matt Jacobson
Online Learning Coordinator, Learning Technology Center
8 PD HoursPD Hours

Building Critical Thinking Skills with Technology


Critical thinking skills are among the most in demand in today’s workforce. But even beyond employability, today’s students need critical thinking skills to succeed in the classroom and tackle the issues that matter to them in their community. Educators can foster those skills every step of the way, in every subject area and at every grade level. It all starts with the right technology.

This microcredential experience will help educators discover new strategies for teaching students how to engage in productive critical thinking through the use of a variety of technology tools and technology-supported teaching techniques. Participants will review and discuss recent research on the topic, develop and teach a lesson featuring technology-supported critical thinking skills, and critique one another’s work and performance. Finally, participants will reflect on their learning throughout this microcredential, focusing on how their practice has changed and how student learning has improved or will improve as a result.

Educators who successfully complete this microcredential will:

  • Survey and discuss recent research about critical thinking skills in the classroom (Synchronous and Asynchronous)
  • Explore ways that technology can support critical thinking skills (Synchronous and Asynchronous)
  • Create, deliver, and critique one or more lessons that build student critical thinking skills supported by technology (Asynchronous)
  • Reflect upon and summarize how their work in this microcredential will improve their practice and their students’ learning (Asynchronous)

This course is part of a larger microcredential stack, Teaching the 4Cs with Technology. Individuals can take part in individual courses or complete all four to earn a special badge and an ISBE-approved certification for their Professional Educator’s License (PEL). More information on the full stack is available at

Cost: $50

Course Period: April 1, 2023 – April 30, 2023 (Registration closes April 1, 2023)

Matt Jacobson
Matt Jacobson
Online Learning Coordinator, Learning Technology Center

Matt designs, develops, and evaluates the LTC’s digital professional learning, including working with subject matter experts to create learning objectives, conducting needs assessments, and delivering interactive online PD opportunities.